Parker Residence #2 - Alfred Browning Parker

Parker Residence #2 - Alfred Browning Parker

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Coconut Grove 1953- The Parker Residence # 2 by Alfred Browning Parker is described in the book Florida Modern: “The house was built on a (rare for miami) sloping site descending south easterly along a narrow dead-end road toward the shore of Biscayne Bay. To take full advantage of the slope and to distribute breezes from the water to all parts of the house, the logical solution was to design a split-level house consisting of four levels... “

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The structure is based on Le Corbusier’s famous 1914 Maison Dom-ino project in which flat concrete slabs are supported on thin steel columns, allowing complete freedom of interior planning and exterior enclosure. Long Concrete roof cantilevers and trellises provide shading and playful shadow patterns that are cast across indigenous oolitic limestone which was chosen, cut and laid with care.

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Frank Lloyd Wright in 1954 said about Alfred Browning Parker’s : Parker Residence #2 , “This Florida house aims at the highest goal to which architecture may aspire: organic architecture. Along this new but ancient way a home where the enlightened mind can flower, where people can develop their fullest potentials, is still a possibility. “ 

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Syd Solomon

Syd Solomon

FLM+D Field Trip No. 1 : Paul Rudolph Milam House & William Morgan House

FLM+D Field Trip No. 1 : Paul Rudolph Milam House & William Morgan House